Vol. 1 No. 1 (2016)
Impact of Individual Risk in Explaining Interest Rate's Divergence in the Euro Area
Th is paper explores the unique episode of public debt interest rates' divergence in the Euro area between 2008 and 2012. For the fi rst time in the history of the EMU, member states have been distinguished by investors who applied risk premium across the countries. Despite the common currency, the euro area displays some heterogeneity. Th e ECB succeeded in cutting this process with the Outright Monetary Transactions program announced in August 2012. Based on the recent literature and on an empirical analysis, we demonstrate that specifi c factors are behind the rising interest rates spreads in the euro area. Unsustainable fi scal stances and a deteriorated competitiveness mainly explain the dramatic rise of interest rates and risk premium during the sovereign crisis. (original abstract)
Fiscal Trap Gabon Economy Case Study
Th e persistence of the economic and fi nancial crisis present in Greece teaches that the combination of an increase in the tax rate with austerity in periods of recession creates a vicious circle where if connected decrease in tax revenues, reduced gross domestic product and increase public debt ratio on GDP. Th is mechanism is known as the fi scal trap. Th anks to the generalized moments method in system (MMG), we verifi ed this hypothesis for the Gabonese economy.(original abstract)
Innovative Applications in the Agricultural Sector : Opportunities and Barriers in the Albania Case
Th e economic actors seek the innovative applications to advance on the economic development process. In this framework, this article analyzes the innovative application evolution's factors, their opportunities and barriers in the agricultural sector in Albania. It assumes that the incentive of innovation has changed the behavior of economic actors following the implementation of institutional changes. Th ey geared toward their choices off er the best levels of productivity. Th e innovative applications identifi ed by the multidimensional restructuring of agriculture during the past two decades. Th ey had used to bridge the gap in development, but the capacities to innovate remains insuffi cient. Despite this, the innovative applications continue to be diffi cult conditioned by the level of culture to innovate, the transfer of knowledge level, the level of scientifi c research and the level of fi nancial resources.(original abstract)
Institutional Determinants of Employment in Poland - Regional Perspective
The article focuses on regional diversity of the Polish Labor Market from institutional perspective. The Polish Labor Market is geographically diverse in terms of unemployment and employment rates, and also in terms of economic development. The question arises whether this diff erence comes from the structural or institutional sources? The paper describe the character of Polish Labor Market whereas in the second part, it traces the impact of institutional variables such as real wage, Kaitz index and Gender gap on the regional employment rate in 2003-2012 in Poland.(original abstract)
Inclusive Growth and the Social Development : Empirical Investigation with the ECM Models : Morocco's Case
The problematic of inclusive growth revives the debate on economic policies against poverty and sustainable development in countries in development. In order to reduce poverty signifi cantly, the rapid pace of growth is not only necessary; it must be sustainable in the long term and large scale in all sectors. Poverty and growth have been much discussed and analyzed separately by policymakers in previous decades. As for the inclusive growth strategy, it is an integration of these two areas of analysis, which involves the relationship between the determining macro and micro economic growth. Th is article examines the nature of the relationship between the macroeconomic environment and social development indicators, fi rst using multiple regression method and, thereaft er, autoregressive vector models, as proposed by Toda Yamamoto (1995) in order to determine the direction of causality between the main macroeconomic variables, taking as a case in Morocco in the period 1980-2011. Furthermore, this study critically examines the paradigm of inclusive growth, exploring inclusive growth strategies implemented by the Moroccan policy makers. Th is review will determine whether these strategies are a myth or a reality through the identifi cation and prioritization of specifi c constraints in Morocco, health and education expenditures and the promotion of the sustainable and inclusive growth agriculture and rural develop ment.(original abstract)
Raw Materials Markets between Turbulence and Uncertainties
Le cycle des matières premières dépend d'évolutions si diff érentes qu'il a été délibérément choisi de dissocier les biens énergétiques de ceux qui ne le sont pas comme des denrées agricoles. Déroulant une analyse tant en termes de quantités que de prix, cette contribution décèle et explique les tendances lourdes de ces marchés à la lumière du passé comme de l'actualité récente, tout en tentant d'en pronostiquer les perspectives probables.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Chinese Investments in Africa : Development Assistance or Predation ?
For many observers, chinese activity in Africa is the mark of predator. Topic of this paper is, from recents statistics, to answer at one simple question. Is chinese activity in Africa a new form of colonialism ? Detailed analyses of chinese investments, between 2005-2013, shows that all investments represented only 3% of the total of chinese investment in the world. And during this period, the chinese target has been always the same, 70% of this investments being only in three sectors : petrol, mining and transport. For 2014, we have to remind a new behaviour of the chinese country, allowing to share better advantages and disadvantages for the two countries, banishing perhaps definitely idea of a predatory China.(original abstract)
Quality of African Integration into the Globalised Economy
While several analyzes contradict the uprising of the African continent as a future hub of emergence and attractiveness, and that many authors compete to see who is right (Severino and Ray (2010), Kabou (1991, 2010), Moyo (2010), etc.), it seems that the integration of Africa to the global system is no more an issue. Rather, the quality of this integration can be subject to analysis: in fact, from a retrospective standpoint, what can we say about the quality of the integration process in Africa? From a methodology voluntarily historical and factual, the African integrator dynamic is analyzed tracing back to 1910. In the first part of the paper, the integration' ambition of Africa is presented and evaluated. The second part of the paper discusses the fundamental challenges that should be absolutely resolved by countries in route for integration.(original abstract)
Cliometrics of Higher Education: Experimental Analysis of the Theory of Glutting
The aim of this paper is to study the students' strategy of school choices and to test with an experimental analysis the theory of glutting (Diebolt 2001). It extends an ex- perience carried out in a previous paper (Jaoul-Grammare 2007) and develops an analysis of choices according to individual characteristics. If the experience seems to confirm the theoretical model, revealing a sensitivity to earnings and to the number of available places, with limited rationality in the choice, the study allows to refine these results underlining a significant reverse impact of the gender issue when the choice takes into account the earning or the risk variables.(original abstract)
The Vulnerability of Majority Rule to Anscombe's and Ostrogorkski's Paradoxes : a Comparative Analysis
The aim of this paper is to study the circumstances at which the Anscombe and Ostrogorski paradoxes are susceptible to arise when individual votes are dichotomous, that is, in the context of yes-no voting. Our main results provide an answer to the question of the likelihood of those paradoxes under two classical probabilistic models: the impartial culture (IC) and the impartial anonymous culture (IAC) assumptions. More precisely, we determine the exact frequencies of occurrence of these phenomena in the three-issue case, under simple majority rule; we also provide estimates - obtained by means of the Monte Carlo technique - for more than three issues.(original abstract)
Industry-Science Cooperation in France and in Poland - the Objectives of the Europe 2020 Strategy and their Implementation at the National Level
Industry-science cooperation is considered to be one of the key measures to strengthen innovativeness and competitiveness of national economies. Fostering industryscience linkages seems particularly important from the perspective of the implementation of the Europe 2020 strategy. Th e aim of the paper is to review national reform programmes in Poland and in France (from the period 2011-2015) in terms of objectives and actions in the fi eld of industry-science cooperation. Descriptive analysis and analysis of strategic documents are research methods implemented in the paper. Th e paper shows that the objectives and actions in the fi eld of industry-science cooperation are similar in both countries even if they signifi cantly diff er in terms of innovation performance. Moreover, the similarities are visible especially in the support for competitiveness clusters in France and clusters in Poland.(original abstract)
Territorial Cohesion Policy Of The EU : Retrospective View, Current Situation and Perspectives 2014-2020
Th e economic, social and territorial cohesion of the EU for the harmonization and the cohesion of the European regions, is registered as early as 1957, in the Treaty of Rome, where in 1958 were created two sectorial funds: ESF and EAGGF and in 1975, the ERDF to redistribute a part of the Community budget to the regions lagging behind in development. It is embodied in the Single Act in 1986, at the initiative of the EC. Th e EU has welcomed 13 new members since 2004, requiring solidarity and ways to catch up with the lag in their development. Th e Regional Policy 2000-2006 aims 3 objectives: convergence for the regions lagging behind in development, help the catching-up of areas in structural diffi culties and adaptation/modernization of policies and systems of education, training and employment. During 2007-2013, the EC redefi nes the priorities of the cohesion policy, three objectives: Convergence, Regional competitiveness and employment, and territorial cooperation to strengthen the policy of socio-economic catching up in creating the Regional Fund and the Cohesion Fund. Th e global fi nancial and economic crisis hitting Europe has pushed the European leaders to adopt in 2010 the Europe 2020 Strategy: smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and economic governance. Th e reformed cohesion policy for 2014-2020 has fi xed 5 objectives: employment; research and innovation; climate research/energy ; education and poverty. We present, evaluate and analyze the policy of territorial cohesion of the EU conducted so far and prognosticate on the prospects laid down in the Europe 2020 Strategy.(original abstract)
New Challenge in Accounting : CSR Disclosures - towards an Integrated Report
In recent years the idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been a subject of intensifi ed interest. Th erefore the role of accounting in implementation of this concept became a topic of frequent discussions. Socially responsible accounting (social and environmental accounting), namely appropriate reporting about activities in the social, environmental and economic areas related to the functioning of the company, aims to identify, measure and present CSR issues. Accounting, because of its systemic nature, has been constantly evolving. Socially responsible accounting is a manifestation of the development of accounting theory and practice arising from economic and social changes.Th e article presents the realization of the idea of CSR and its accounting framework, as well as raises the problem of integrated reporting in the mainstream of social responsibility accounting. Th e aim of this article is to synthesize a set of studies on the disclosure of CSR information carried in Poland and then lead to a proposal for the establishment of integrated report (including fi nancial and non-fi nancial data) as a form of CSR disclosure. To achieve this purpose, the author has used the methodology of research and literature review.(original abstract)