Territorial Cohesion Policy Of The EU : Retrospective View, Current Situation and Perspectives 2014-2020
Cohesion policy, Social cohesion, Prospect theoryAbstract
Th e economic, social and territorial cohesion of the EU for the harmonization and the cohesion of the European regions, is registered as early as 1957, in the Treaty of Rome, where in 1958 were created two sectorial funds: ESF and EAGGF and in 1975, the ERDF to redistribute a part of the Community budget to the regions lagging behind in development. It is embodied in the Single Act in 1986, at the initiative of the EC. Th e EU has welcomed 13 new members since 2004, requiring solidarity and ways to catch up with the lag in their development. Th e Regional Policy 2000-2006 aims 3 objectives: convergence for the regions lagging behind in development, help the catching-up of areas in structural diffi culties and adaptation/modernization of policies and systems of education, training and employment. During 2007-2013, the EC redefi nes the priorities of the cohesion policy, three objectives: Convergence, Regional competitiveness and employment, and territorial cooperation to strengthen the policy of socio-economic catching up in creating the Regional Fund and the Cohesion Fund. Th e global fi nancial and economic crisis hitting Europe has pushed the European leaders to adopt in 2010 the Europe 2020 Strategy: smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and economic governance. Th e reformed cohesion policy for 2014-2020 has fi xed 5 objectives: employment; research and innovation; climate research/energy ; education and poverty. We present, evaluate and analyze the policy of territorial cohesion of the EU conducted so far and prognosticate on the prospects laid down in the Europe 2020 Strategy.(original abstract)
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