Search Results
Evolution of Economic Freedom in the Countries of South America and the European Union During the Years 1996-2022
The objective of the article is to describe and evaluate the evolution of economic freedom in the countries of South America and the European Union in the years 1996-2022. The basis of inference are the coefficients of economic freedom published since 1995 by The Heritage Foundation in Washington and Wall Street Journal for 184 countries around the world. The comparative analysis is carried out by country and in three sub-groups, which are : the countries of South America, the European countries which joined the European Union before 2003 (EU1) and after 2003 (EU2). In the empirical research, correlation, σ-convergence, σ-divergence and multivariate comparative analysis methods are used. The R program and the dtw and dtwclust packages are also applied. Accordingly, an in-depth assessment of the evolution of economic freedom was carried out in the 41 countries assessed, as well as separately in the three groups of countries analysed. It has been shown that in terms of economic freedom, EU1 countries outperform EU2 and South American countries. In conclusion, general remarks are presented on the relationship between the stages of changes in economic freedom and the institutional reforms aimed at a more complete democratization of countries and the development of a modern market economy.(original abstract)
Modèle de Caractérisation de la Situation de Qualité des Universités Chiliennes à Partir D'indicateurs Financiers et de Gestion
L'un des indicateurs les plus significatifs de l'effectivité de systèmes d'assurance de qualité est le processus d'accréditation des institutions d'enseignement supérieur, car il considère une variété d'éléments essentiels au moment d'accréditer la qualité des systèmes de formation utilisés dans ces institutions. Dans ce contexte, cette recherche vise à créer un modèle de caractérisation, évolution et projection de la situation d'accréditation des universités chiliennes rattachées au Système d'Information de l'Enseignement Supérieur (SIES). Nous employons une méthodologie de type quantitatif exploratoire corrélationnel et prédictif qui considère 56 institutions d'enseignement supérieur chiliennes, cataloguées comme universités, et leurs indicateurs publiés entre 2017 et 2021 par le SIES, afin de créer un modèle basé sur l'évolution des indicateurs consolidés et d'établir une information de référence sur les secteurs les plus pertinents dans les résultats du processus d'accréditation. Ainsi, cette recherche se présente comme un modèle contribuant à la planification stratégique des universités pour atteindre une meilleure qualité et davantage d'années d'accréditation.(abstrakt oryginalny)
Model for characterizing the quality situation of Chilean universities based on financial and management indicators
One of the most significant indicators of the effectiveness of quality assurance systems is the accreditation process of higher education institutions, as these processes consider a variety of essential elements when certifying the quality of the processes carried out in training institutions. In this context, the present research aims to generate a model of characterization, evolution and projection of the accreditation situation of Chilean universities that are attached to the Higher Education Information System (SIES). For them, a methodology of quantitative exploratory correlational and predictive approach is used that considers 56 different Chilean higher education institutions, catalogued as universities ; and their respective indicators published between 2017 and 2021 by the Higher Education Information System (SIES) that allowed the generation of the model based on the evolution of the consolidated indicators, which yielded the information of value concerning the fields of greatest relevance in the results of the accreditation process. In this way, the research seeks to become a model that contributes to the strategic planning of universities to achieve higher quality in their processes and, consequently, a greater number of years of accreditation.(original abstract)
Ponownie darwinizm kontra inteligentny projekt
It is a review of Michael J. Behe’s book titled Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution (The Free Press, New York 1996), containing the criticism of evolutionary theory. During last years, according to the author, this is the most refined attack on Darwinian evolution, but he disagrees with Behe. He criticizes his concept of irreducible complexity and proposes his own evolutionary solution to the problem of origin of irreducibly complex biochemical systems.
Evolution du système bancaire Chinois : sa voie dans un dispositif global de conquête économique et politique
China has made the bet to open up to the world, to the globalization, in which there is a great disharmony. Our research will concern the role of the Chinese banking system and its evolution. Its particularity will allow us to understand to what extent it constitutes an asset for China, to ground its own economic and financial development. We will focalize our attention on the construction and the process of its banking system, its growth and we will expand our discussion and demonstrate how the state funds respond to the mission given them. In other words : financing China's economic ambitions and consolidate its central role in the global economy. (original abstract)
Empirical Analysis of the Relationship Between Cycle Growth Volatility and Economic Growth: the Case of Lebanon
This paper analyses the evolution of the growth cycle and volatility in Lebanon during the period of 1970-2015. First, GDP growth observed over its potential level is determined by taking into account the break dates coinciding with conflict and political instability. Th en, an estimation of the impact of conflict on the output gap volatility is held to analyze the causal relationship between this same volatility and growth. It turned out that contrary to what is suggested by the literature, it is economic growth that explains the volatility of economic cycles.(original abstract)
Life's Grand Design
On January 1982, judge William K. Overton, during a famous law case in Arkansas, handed down a decision that creationism is not a scientific theory. One of the arguments for creationism was an argument from design. Later it became a fundamental argument for intelligent design theory which presently, in author’s opinion, is the most important alternative to theory of evolution. Author is critical about intelligent design theory. In his opinion, it is a theory which requires us to pretend we know less than we really do about living organisms, design, engineering, and information theory. It demands us to set aside simple and logical evolutionary explanations of design flaws in living organisms and to accept a vague theory that seemingly explains everything by stating: „that is the way the designer made it”. Thus, it is only an argument from ignorance, whereas modern biology offers new evidence that organisms emerged gradually in the process of evolution.
Wielki projekt życia
On January 1982, judge William K. Overton, during a famous law case in Arkansas, handed down a decision that creationism is not a scientific theory. One of the arguments for creationism was an argument from design. Later it became a fundamental argument for intelligent design theory which presently, in author’s opinion, is the most important alternative to theory of evolution. Author is critical about intelligent design theory. In his opinion, it is a theory which requires us to pretend we know less than we really do about living organisms, design, engineering, and information theory. It demands us to set aside simple and logical evolutionary explanations of design flaws in living organisms and to accept a vague theory that seemingly explains everything by stating: „that is the way the designer made it”. Thus, it is only an argument from ignorance, whereas modern biology offers new evidence that organisms emerged gradually in the process of evolution.
The Evolution of Regional Differences in French University Supply Between 1980 and 2000: Specialisation or Diversification?
The aim of this article is to examine the distribution of university training supply in France. Has there been regional university specialisation or, on the contrary, has there been a diversification of regions? After studying the evolution of regional differences for each university discipline between 1980 and 2000, we attempt to identify the specific features of each region in the supply of training. The results obtained show that there is a certain attenuation of regional differences, mainly for economically profitable disciplines. On the other hand, if we do not really identify regional specialisations, we highlight a type of specialisation that could be called "historical specialisation".(original abstract)
An Empirical Analysis of the Conditional Causality between Economic Growth, Inflation Rate and Oil Price: Evidence from Mena Countries
This paper analyses the conditional causality during the 1970-2016'period between inflation rate and economic growth through the oil price evolution regarding eighteen MENA countries that are often touched by more or less recurrent armed conflicts. By making the difference between oil producing countries and non-oil producing countries, we notice that, in the oil producing countries, the causality, which goes from economic growth to inflation rate, is not governed by the oil price evolution while in the non-oil producing countries, the causality between economic growth and inflation rate is bidirectional and conditional to the oil price. Moreover, in the oil producing countries, armed conflicts influence negatively the economic growth but in the non-oil producing countries they do not have a significant impact on the economic growth and inflation rate as well.(original abstract)
Innovative Applications in the Agricultural Sector : Opportunities and Barriers in the Albania Case
Th e economic actors seek the innovative applications to advance on the economic development process. In this framework, this article analyzes the innovative application evolution's factors, their opportunities and barriers in the agricultural sector in Albania. It assumes that the incentive of innovation has changed the behavior of economic actors following the implementation of institutional changes. Th ey geared toward their choices off er the best levels of productivity. Th e innovative applications identifi ed by the multidimensional restructuring of agriculture during the past two decades. Th ey had used to bridge the gap in development, but the capacities to innovate remains insuffi cient. Despite this, the innovative applications continue to be diffi cult conditioned by the level of culture to innovate, the transfer of knowledge level, the level of scientifi c research and the level of fi nancial resources.(original abstract)
nowy tytuł
It is a review of Michael J. Behe’s book titled Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution (The Free Press, New York 1996), containing the criticism of evolutionary theory. Author tries to discredit intelligent design theory, of which Behe is a proponent, on methodological grounds. According to the author, it is unscientific theory because it cannot be falsified. Moreover, in his opinion, it is an manifestation of „crank science” – it can be treated in the same way as homeopathy or polywater theory.
Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies: the Assessment of the Polish Experience (1995-2015)
The aim of this paper is to assess the Polish monetary policy experience between 1995Q1 and 2014Q4 in the light of the three equation new Keynesian model estimated with Bayesian econometrics. Our results show that the National Bank of Poland has performed relatively well in stabilizing activity and infl ation as the results observed are very close to the ones obtained under either an aggressive simple interest rule.(original abstract)
Sublime balance
It is a review of Michael J. Behe’s book titled Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical CHAllenge to Evolution (The Free Press, New York 1996), containing the criticism of evolutionary theory. Author criticizes Behe’s thesis that irreducible complexity of biochemical systems suggest they were designed by an intelligent designer, i.e. that they were not produced gradually by the working of natural selection. According to the author, irreducible complexity can be a result of the action of evolutionary process called gene duplication. He also thinks that the reference to the supernatural factors to explain phenomena occurring in nature has the same value as explanations invoking miracles, and this, according to him, cannot be described as a scientific practice. Scientists should hold on to the principle of methodological naturalism.
Premises for modification of selected economic concepts induced by the COVID-19 pandemic
The authors of the article put forward a thesis about the need of modification or even revision of the way economic sciences (ES) are practiced in ontological, epistemo- logical and methodological aspects.2 It results from the impact of a series of factors that appeared even in the pre-pandemic period, for which COVID-19 may be a complementary, reinforcing circumstance, and even directly determining change. The structure of the article was subordinated to the adopted goal, which is the author's reference to the thesis. As an exemplification of the areas requiring change, eight issues were selected, for which a set of postulates constituting the desired modifications in conducting research in ES was submitted. The main method used in the study is the method of critical analysis of the literature.(original abstract)
Stagnation de la croissance française
Le constat de baisse tendancielle de la croissance française n'est plus à faire. Au bon temps du miracle français, sous Georges Pompidou, les taux de croissance du PIB par tête avoisinaient les 5 % mais ils sont passés à 2 % après 1975 et à moins de 1 % depuis 1990 (hors crise). Cette stagnation française mérite réflexion, d'autant que le pouvoir d'achat réel hors prélèvements connaît probablement une évolution encore pire.(fragment tekstu)
Simulation of Trajectories of Labour Productivity in Polish Regions; Analysis Based on Gravity Model of Economic Growth
The paper presents the essence of the gravity model of economic growth and the way of calibrating its parameters for the voivodeships in the years 2000-2014. Using the calibrated parameters of the model, numerical simulations were performed. These simulations were used to set the trajectories of labor productivity in the voivodeships in the years 2015-2050. Four different scenarios were considered in the numerical analysis (concerning the structure of investment rates in voivodeships and GDP growth rates of countries bordering Poland). Regardless of the scenario adopted in this analysis, a divergence of labor productivity at the level of the voivodeships would take place. This process would be stronger if the structure of investment rates were to remain at the level of the average for years 2000-2014 in individual voivodships, than if the investment rates were the same for all voivodeships. In addition, numerical simulations confirmed the hypothesis that faster economic growth of countries bordering Poland leads to faster labor productivity growth in all voivodeships.(original abstract)
La Bulgarie et la Zone Euro - un long chemin vers le rapprochement
En 2018, le Gouvernement bulgare entreprend des démarches concrètes pour entrer dans le Mécanisme de change européen II (MCE II) avec le consentement de la Commission Européenne (CE) et la Banque Centrale Européenne (BCE) et après cette période de devenir un membre de l'Union Economique et Monétaire (l'UEM) et par conséquent d'adopter l'euro. Les autorités officielles de l'UE, la BCE1 posent des conditions très particulières à la Bulgarie et qui surpassent les exigences reconnues comme l'obligation de respecter les critères de convergence de Maastricht. La BCE n'est toujours pas confiante au sujet de la stabilité économique et financière de la Bulgarie et revendique que le pays doit déposer en premier sa candidature à l'Union Bancaire Européenne (l'UBE) en vue de tester les banques sur un horizon d'une année. Malgré que la Bulgarie arrive à atteindre depuis des années les critères de convergence nominales pour être acceptée dans MCE II, des doutes persistent parmi les économies développées de l'UEM que le pays n'est pas encore prêt à rejoindre même le MCE II et plus tard à adopter l'euro. Pourtant la Bulgarie s'est engagée de réaliser toutes les exigences de la CE et de la BCE et d'appliquer des politiques économiques axées sur la stabilité et d'effectuer de vastes réformes structurelles. Dans une première partie sont présentées les démarches de la Bulgarie de rapprochement vers la Zone Euro. Dans une deuxième partie sont analysées l'évolution macroéconomique et la convergence nominale de la Bulgarie comme une exigence concrète pour devenir membre de l'UEM. L'analyse démontre que pour la Bulgarie le rapprochement des indicateurs de la convergence réelle vers la moyenne des pays membres de l'UEM de l'Europe Centrale rendrait l'adoption de l'euro beaucoup plus bénéfique pour le développement économique et financier du pays.(fragment tekstu)
L'euro et le modèle Européen : subsidiarité ou centralisation
Le modèle européen s'est toujours projeté lui-même dans une évolution vers des solutions innovantes sans le soutien d'expériences déjà réalisées. L'Europe réfléchit aujourd'hui sur lequel des deux modèles à suivre. L'Europe peut se réorienter en suivant l'exemple des Etats-Unis, ou elle peut continuer à développer son propre modèle autonome en continuant et en innovant à partir de l'expérience acquise. Si au niveau partisan, nous voyons l'Europe répéter le modèle américain avec l'opposition entre Républicains et Démocrates, nous devons changer la perspective employée pour fixer la relation entre les règles et les politiques. Aux Etats-Unis, depuis la guerre civile, les Démocrates et les Républicains ne se sont pas posé la question de maintenir ou non la Fédération ; ils ont discuté du point de savoir "quel fédéralisme ?". Le choix que l'Europe doit faire n'est pas exclusivement réduit à l'intérêt européen mais concerne tous les joueurs à un niveau mondial. Si c'est sur ces alternatives fondamentales que le processus de l'unification européenne doit avancer, il est clair qu'il est difficile de faire des choix de long terme reposant seulement sur un raisonnement abstrait. C'est la grande leçon que nous donnent les Pères Fondateurs de l'unification européenne. C'est à chacun de nous d'indiquer quelle Europe a notre préférence commune. (fragment tekstu)
Macroeconomic Aggregates and Investment Fluctuations: the Example of WAEMU Countries
Th is article provides an assessment of the impact of changes in macroeconomic aggregates on the investment of the WAEMU countries. Th e study is based on structural modeling of unobserved components likely to highlight the links between investment and macroeconomic variables. The results suggest the recurrence of negative impacts on investment. Macroeconomic aggregates (GDP, inflation, savings) exert a pro-cyclical behavior on the investment. On the other hand, fiscal balance is countercyclical following the different phases of investment cycle. Business investment should be a priority of national fiscal policies in the member countries of the Union for sustainable economic development.(original abstract)
Premises for modification of selected economic concepts induced by the COVID-19 pandemic
The authors of the article put forward a thesis about the need of modification or even revision of the way economic sciences (ES) are practiced in ontological, epistemo- logical and methodological aspects.2 It results from the impact of a series of factors that appeared even in the pre-pandemic period, for which COVID-19 may be a complementary, reinforcing circumstance, and even directly determining change. The structure of the article was subordinated to the adopted goal, which is the author's reference to the thesis. As an exemplification of the areas requiring change, eight issues were selected, for which a set of postulates constituting the desired modifications in conducting research in ES was submitted. The main method used in the study is the method of critical analysis of the literature.(original abstract)
New Challenge in Accounting : CSR Disclosures - towards an Integrated Report
In recent years the idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been a subject of intensifi ed interest. Th erefore the role of accounting in implementation of this concept became a topic of frequent discussions. Socially responsible accounting (social and environmental accounting), namely appropriate reporting about activities in the social, environmental and economic areas related to the functioning of the company, aims to identify, measure and present CSR issues. Accounting, because of its systemic nature, has been constantly evolving. Socially responsible accounting is a manifestation of the development of accounting theory and practice arising from economic and social changes.Th e article presents the realization of the idea of CSR and its accounting framework, as well as raises the problem of integrated reporting in the mainstream of social responsibility accounting. Th e aim of this article is to synthesize a set of studies on the disclosure of CSR information carried in Poland and then lead to a proposal for the establishment of integrated report (including fi nancial and non-fi nancial data) as a form of CSR disclosure. To achieve this purpose, the author has used the methodology of research and literature review.(original abstract)